Читать книгу With All Josie's Heart

With All Josie's Heart

Автор : Stovall Crystal
Страниц : 10
Просмотров : 262
ID книги : 640511

HOME IS WHERE THE HEART ISSoul-weary Josie Marshall returned home after seven years to recover and reflect. But what she found was Michael Rawlins on her doorstep, asking for her hand in marriage.A long time ago, Josie had pledged to marry Michael…then left him when life took her down a different path. Now he needed her help to gain custody of his cousin's little girl. But seeing Michael again stirred emotions Josie thought long dead.Josie didn't know if her time with Michael was meant to be, but she knew she had to give him everything in her heart, not only for her salvation…but his as well!


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